Case Study: Neuro

Patient N.D. aged 54, was referred by his family doctor to an orthopedist due to pain in the lower back, which spread to the left and right hip. He had a problem with his lower back 15 years ago, when a magnetic resonance imaging of the L-S spine was performed. He is a dentist by profession, has a problem with obesity, does not consume alcohol or cigarettes, has regular stools and no problems with urination, denies allergies to medications.
During the examination, the orthopedist diagnoses lumboschialgia and refers him to a neurologist with an x-ray of the L/S spine.
The x-ray shows spondylodegenerative changes on the body of the vertebrae and scoliosis of the lumbar part of the spine.
The patient has pain in the lower back during all this time of examination, which as the days go by, started to go down more down the left leg than down the right leg, but the pain is reflected all the way to the big toe. While waiting for the neurologist’s examination, he takes diclofenac 50 mg as needed for pain. Diclofenac started to hurt his stomach, so his family doctor advises him to take pantoprazole 20 mg 1×1 in the morning on an empty stomach, 1/2 hour before breakfast and that he never takes diclofenac on anempty stomach.
However, after the pain becomes more intense, the family doctor decides on parenteral therapy, which includes diclofenac ampoule in a dose of 75 mg and dexamethasone ampoule in a dose of 4 mg. The patient received this combination of drugs for 3 days, after which he felt better, the pain is less intense, but the numbness of the feet is still present.
The specialist neurologist refers him to an MRI of the L-S spine, until then, if necessary, to drink naproxen 550mg 2×1 after meals, and from supplements he advises him to take Balck garlic Neuro, soft capsules 2×1 cps after meals (and to drink this preparation for at least 3 months continuously ).
He also advises him on physical therapy and avoiding physical exertion.
The gentleman is very disciplined, and he adopted all the advice. As the pain was no longer present, only numbness and a little loss of sensation, he decided not to drink naproxen, and continued the therapy with the dietary supplement Balck garlic Neuro, which has a very complex composition. Contains oil extracts of fermented garlic, green tea, rosemary, lavender, vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin E, alpha-lipoic acid and selenium. He also started physical therapy. After 20 days of the recommended therapy, the patient felt much better, there is no more pain, numbness, and mobility is much better.
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine will be performed as a preventive measure, to make sure that there is no major problem, but now he feels great and is very satisfied with the effect of the Black garlic Neuro preparation. Since there are a lot of people in his family who suffer from spine diseases, because they are all quite tall and overweight, and they work jobs that require standing for a long time, he decided to recommend this preparation to all of them, because it helped him a lot.