
Leonurus cardiaca L. – Lamiaceae

Motherwort is a perennial plant. Its trunk is upright, hollow, green or red-purple in color. Its leaves are coarsely toothed, lobed, while the flowers are sessile, located in the axil of the leaf at the top of the stem. The crown is pink, the fruit is dry and splits into four parts. It grows in areas with lush vegetation, next to roads and wet forests. It is spread all over Europe.
In phytopharmacy, the aerial part of the plant is used as a medicinal part. Teas or tea mixtures are prepared from the dried plant, and alcoholic tinctures are also made.
This plant is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. The beneficial effects of the motherwort have been proven today by many researches in the modern world of medicine and pharmacy. It is believed that leonurine reduces damage caused during ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction and angina pectoris), because it has a high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential.

Biologically active ingredients found in the above-ground part of the motherwort are: buphenolid glycosides, alkaloids (leonurine, leunoridine, leonurinine, betonicin, turicin, stahydrin), tannins, flavonoids, ursolic acid, irdoids, leocardin. Leonurine is an alkaloid and has proven to be a successful tool for relaxing the smooth muscles of blood vessels. Tannins, which are found in the composition of the heart, have a bacteriostatic (stop the growth of bacteria) and antioxidant (neutralize free radicals) effect. Ursolic acid has a very significant effect on the work of the central nervous system (favorably affects cognitive functions), shows anticancer potential, stimulates muscle work and prevents damage caused by myocardial infarction.
Due to its vasodilator potential (it widens blood vessels), motherwort also contributes to better blood circulation in the central nervous system, and can be used as a means of preventing the onset of neurodegenerative diseases and stroke. In addition to the aforementioned effects, leonurine has proven to be a good anti-cancer agent, so heartwort has also found great use as an auxiliary tool in the treatment of various forms of cancer. A very important fact is that this herb prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, especially in women during menopause (when the level of estrogen is very low). The composition of the motherwort contains flavonoids, which lower high blood pressure and are important for alleviating the symptoms of ventricular tachycardia.
In the previous text, we described motherwort as a plant with pronounced cardioprotective potential, but this plant can also be used as an aid in the treatment of other pathophysiological conditions, such as: stress, anxiety, panic attacks, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease. Motherwort also has a beneficial effect on the symptoms of diabetes, stabilizes the insulin level, and has a beneficial effect on the stabilization of the menstrual cycle.
It is important to note that motherwort is a plant that must not be used during pregnancy, as it can cause premature birth.
- Leonurus cardiaca L. as a Source of Bioactive Compounds: An Update of the European Medicines Agency Assessment Report (2010)
- Leonurus cardiaca L. (motherwort): a review of its phytochemistry and pharmacology
- Phytochemical Profile and Biological Activities of Crude and Purified Leonurus cardiaca Extracts
- Leonurus cardiaca L. herb–a derived extract and an ursolic acid as the factors affecting the adhesion capacity of Staphylococcus aureus in the context of infective endocarditis