
(7 customer reviews)

37,0 KM

  • Reduce bloating, cramps, nausea and heartburn.
  • Accelerate the elimination of gases.
  • Calm the inflammation of the stomach mucous membrane and intestines.
  • Regulate the work of the intestines.
  • BAM
  • EUR
  • USD
SKU: Digestiv90 Category:
  • 90 soft gelatin capsules
  • Food supplement


What is Black Garlic Digestiv and what is it used for?

BLACK GARLIC DIGESTIV capsules contain six plant extracts whose active principles act synergistically and relieve digestive disorders. Chamomile, peppermint, caraway, angelica and rosemary relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the occurrence of gas. Fermented garlic, together with chamomile and caraway, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and accelerates the elimination of gases, and its use is also recommended for slow bowel movements (“lazy bowels”), constipation and obstipation. The antimicrobial activity of fermented garlic, and the gastro-protective effect of olive oil, lead to the regeneration of the inflamed mucosa of the stomach and intestines.

The mentioned plant extracts also help with digestive disorders, such as functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome and gastritis, reducing stomach pain, feeling full, flatulence, digestive cramps, belching, nausea and heartburn.



Oil extract of fermented garlic bulb in olive oil, oil extract of chamomile flower in olive oil, oil extract of peppermint leaf in olive oil, oil extract of caraway fruit in olive oil, oil extract of angelica archangelica root in olive oil, oil extract of rosemary leaf in olive oil, beef gelatin, substance for moisture retention: glycerol, purified water, anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide, antioxidant: DL-α-tocopheryl acetate, color: vegetable charcoal.



1. Oil extract of fermented garlic bulb in olive oil;
Oil extract of chamomile flower in olive oil;
Oil extract of peppermint leaf in olive oil;
4. Oil extract of caraway fruit in olive oil;
5. Oil extract of angelica archangelica root in olive oil;
6. Oil extract of rosemary leaf in olive oil;

In the Black Garlic Digestiv preparation, fermented garlic acts as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and gastroprotective, by reducing the inflammatory reaction of the stomach and intestinal mucosa, and regenerating it. It can be recommended as an adjunctive therapy for the treatment of gastritis and as a preventive measure in people with a positive family history of autoimmune, inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and in gastric and duodenal ulcers (ulcers) caused by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac.


What is available?

Black Garlic Digestiv preparation is in the form of soft gelatin capsules.

Packages available on the market:
– Package of 90 soft gelatin capsules;

A special technology of fermentation and extraction is responsible for obtaining high-quality oil extracts that contribute to the high effectiveness of our products. All products from the AlivitPharm brand line are made according to the HACCP principles and principles of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


How to use Black Garlic Digestiv capsules?

For persons over 12 years of age, it is recommended to use one capsule three times a day, during or after a meal. Swallow the entire capsule with liquid. Black Garlic Digestiv capsules need to be taken for a long time.


Precaution and warnings

1. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.
2. The product is not intended for persons under the age of 12, pregnant and lactating women.
3. The product must not be used by people who are hypersensitive to any of the product’s ingredients.
4. People taking medications should consult their physician before taking Black Garlic Digestiv capsules.
5. The product must not be used together with medications that prevent blood clotting.
6. Before a scheduled operation, it is necessary to stop using Black Garlic Digestiv soft capsules.


Allergens info

Black Garlic Digestiv is gluten free.

Weight 100 g

Reviews (7)

7 reviews for Digestiv

  1. Milena Starčevica

    Želim samo da pohvalim ovaj preparat koji koristim poslednjih mjesec dana, i koji mi je pomogao u rješavanju problema sa nadutošću i probavom. Meni se najviše svidjelo to što je sastavljen od prirodnih sastojaka i ne sadrži sumnjive supstance. Pored toga u jednom pakovanju dođe 90 kapsula što je dovoljno za mjesec dana. Primjetila sam da mi se aptetit poboljšao i da se osjećam manje naduto nakon obroka. Samo prirodno i to je to

  2. Gordana

    Sve pohvale za ovaj preparat… Imam blaži oblik gastritisa i redovno sam uzimala controloc tablete. Nakon preporuke od koleginice koja i sama koristi ovaj proizvod, krenula sam istri da pijem isti. Evo, nakon 45 dana disciplinovanog korištenja ovih kapsula, samo sam jednu contoloc tabletu popila ( ĐURĐEVDAN 🙂 ) I sto je najvažnije, sve je na prirodnoj bazi…Ovaj crni luk je čudo !

  3. Jelena

    Odličan preparat, topla preporuka!
    Zbog mnogobrojnih problema vezanih za nepravilan rad sistema za varenje kao što su gastritis, dispepsija, pa čak i helikobacter, mučila sam se godinama i pored redovnih i dugotrajnih terapija dobijenih od lekara.
    Na preporuku prijatelja sam došla do Digestive Black garlic kapsula i već nakon ispijene prve bočice kapsula, moje stanje se znatno poboljšalo: gorušicu sve ređe imam, nadutost je smanjena, a što se eliminacija gasova tiče, ovaj preparat je izrazito efikasan!
    Zbog neredovnog načina života i godina, svesna sam da se moji problemi neće lako rešiti, ali uz male promene u načinu ishrane i uz Digestive kapsule od crnog belog luka, koje i dalje nameravam da koristim, uverena sam da će se vremenom smanjiti!
    Ove kapsule zaista imaju blagotvorni učinak na kompletan digestivni trakt i veoma su praktične za upotrebu, s obzirom da su u obliku gel kapsula, pa se u slučaju potrebe, mogu progutati i bez vode (što mi se nekoliko puta desilo 🙂 )
    Vaš preparat toplo preporučujem i svojim prijateljima koji imaju sličnih problema.

  4. Svetlana

    Pocela sam ovaj preparat da pijem pre dve nedelje zbog dugogodisnjeg problema sa nadutoscu. Vec posle nedelju dana sam primetila da mi je bolje. Nastavicu da ga pijem!

  5. Bojana

    Odusevljena sam ovim proizvodom, nakon nedelju dana osetila sam poboljsanje. Nestala je nadutost u stomaku i bol u zelucu. Za svaku preporuku!

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  7. Zorica

    Ovaj preparat je za svaku preporuku! Mesecima unazad sam se mucila sa problemima u stomaku, isla sam na silne preglede gde su mi lekari govorili da je sve u redu i da ne znaju u cemu je problem. Jedan dan u apoteci apotekarka mi je preporucila i rekla da je ovo sve na prirodnoj bazi i jos da su biljke gajene kod nas u kontrolisanim uslovima. Resila sam da probam i zaista posle desetak dana sam osecala bolje. Prezadovoljna sam jer sam konacno otkrila da postoji preparat koji mi je resio problem!

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