Fermentisani bijeli luk
Allium sativum L. – Alliaceae
Fermentisani bijeli luk dobija se procesom fermentacije, izlaganjem svježeg bijelog luka povišenim vrijednostima temperature i vlage duži vremenski period. Tokom procesa fermentacije, unutar bijelog luka dolazi do velikog broja hemijskih (primarno Maljardova reakcija) i enzimskih reakcija koje rezultuju u promjeni boje bijelog luka (iz bijele u tamnu/crnu), promjeni ukusa (postaje slatkasto-kiselkast) i gubi se karakterističan, oštar miris bijelog luka. Takođe, fermentacijom se višestruko povećava sadržaj polifenola i flavonoida koji su glavni nosioci antioksidativnih svojstava. Dodatno, S(+)-alil cistein se smatra bioaktivnom supstancom zastupljenom u najvećem udjelu, a kojoj se pripisuju mnogobrojni zdravstveni benefiti:
1. Snažan antioksidans;
2. Sprječava upalne procese (antiinflamatorno djelovanje);
3. Poboljšava lipidni status (smanjuje gojaznost);
4. Štiti srce i krvne sudove (kardioprotektivno djelovanje);
5. Utiče na regeneraciju i zaštitu jetre (hepatoprotektivno djelovanje);
6. Snižava koncentraciju šećera u krvi (hipoglikemijsko djelovanje);
7. Inhibira rast tumorskih ćelija (antitumorsko djelovanje);
8. Štiti i regeneriše nervne ćelije (neuroprotektivno i neuroregenerativno djelovanje);
- Black Garlic Improves Heart Function in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease by Improving Circulating Antioxidant Levels
- The Effect of Black Garlic (Allium sativum Linn) on Cardiac and Aortic Histopathology in Experimental Studies in Obesity Rats
- Effects of an Optimized Aged Garlic Extract on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Moderate Hypercholesterolemic Subjects: A Randomized, Crossover, Double-Blind, Sustainedand Controlled Study
- In vitro studies of an aged black garlic extract enriched in S-allylcysteine and polyphenols with cardioprotective effects
- Black Garlic and Its Bioactive Compounds on Human Health Diseases: A Review
- Impact of steaming pretreatment process on characteristics and antioxidant activities of black garlic (Allium sativum L.)
- Modulation of local and systemic immune responses by fermented garlic extract
- Immune Competence and Minimizing Susceptibility to COVID-19 and Other Immune System Threats
- Chloroform extract of aged black garlic attenuates TNF-α-induced ROS generation, VCAM-1 expression, NF-κB activation and adhesiveness for monocytes in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
- The effects of allium sativum on immunity within the scope of COVID-19 infection
- Garlic (Allium sativum L.): a potential unique therapeutic food rich in organosulfur and flavonoid compounds to fight with COVID-19
- Herbal and Natural Dietary Products: Upcoming Therapeutic Approach for Prevention and Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Dietary Natural Products for Prevention and Treatment of Liver Cancer
- Black Garlic and Its Bioactive Compounds on Human Health Diseases: A Review
- Neuroprotection by spice-derived nutraceuticals: you are what you eat!
- Protective effects of functional foods against Parkinson’s disease: A narrative review on pharmacology, phytochemistry, and molecular mechanisms
- Gastroprotective effect of garlic in indomethacin induced gastric ulcer in rats
- The Protective Effect of Aged Garlic Extract on Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug-Induced Gastric Inflammations in Male Albino Rats
- Onion and garlic intake and the odds of benign prostatic hyperplasia
- Potential of S-Allyl Cysteine, a Major Bioactive Component of Garlic, As Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic Agent
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus improves antioxidant capacity of black garlic in the prevention of gestational diabetes mellitus: a randomized control trial
- Effect of Garlic and Aged Black Garlic on Hyperglycemia and Dyslipidemia in Animal Model of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Antioxidant effect of garlic and aged black garlic in animal model of type 2 diabetes mellitus